Some People Feel the Rain, Others Just Get Wet

It is pouring rain this morning! And trust me when I say pouring because I was soaked to the bone by just walking in to work today. And don’t get me wrong, I love the rain, but there is nothing worse than being stuck at work in wet pants and wet shoes… the worst!!

But the real reason for this entry is to discuss the cleansing and empowering feeling a good rain can give a weakened spirit. Today, while trudging through the rain I didn’t try to cover my head, run inside or turn back to my truck. Instead, I let my skin feel every tiny little drop. As the rain washed my skin and hair my mind flashed back to the multitude of rough things that have occurred in my 2012 thus far. An emotionally tormenting relationship, a nasty car accident that shattered my left humerus, and surgery on my cervix to remove pre-cancer cells. But instead of dwelling on the down falls of this year I felt the rain cleansing me of the past. I realized it wasn’t worth dwelling on the relationship and how heart wrenching it was, but focusing on finally pulling myself back up and out of it and realizing my worth again. It wasn’t worth focusing on the pain and continuous recovery but walking away from a car accident with a broken arm (well shattered) when everything about the accident proved myself and my friends should have been much worse off… We were blessed. And it wasn’t worth focusing on the surgery and the stress but the result, the health I have once more to live my life with.

So, in conclusion, as I sit here soaking wet, cold, shivering actually, I have chosen to feel the rain. I have chosen to let this cold blessing from above cleanse the unhappiness from me. Put my world back in to perspective that even though things have been rough, I have been given this battle for a reason, a battle that God would only give me because he knows I am strong enough to handle it.

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